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In addition to improvements in chip performance, the shell packaging technology is also a great breakthrough, IR inversion in the development of field-effect transistor, also known as "FlipFET" on the basis of this year introduced the DirectFET, as shown in Figure 6. Its source and gate inversion result can be directly welded in the printed circuit board, the drain at the top of the weld metal in its shell, if necessary, by the radiator or direct contact with the equipment enclosure. DirectFET size equivalent to the traditional SO-8 plastic (plastic with an area of about 4x5 mm2) shell. In such a small device, the first structure of a double-sided cooling. It is a lead frame, no-lead solder joints of the device, it brought about a series of advantages: it's non-resistor chip package (DFPR) is only 0. 1mW, device thickness of only 0. 7mm, resistance and parasitic inductance have dropped significantly. Such characteristics make it especially suitable for the above-mentioned computer of the latest generation of CPU. In the multi-phase circuits, each with only two of 30 security DirectFET can transfer current. Increase its current rate of 400 per delicate security, the working frequency of 1-2 MHz.
Secondly, you must be focused on power semiconductor devices in the IC direction: as a result of the development of MOSFET and IGBT, and their matching to provide a trigger signal power integrated circuit PIC (Power IC) have also developed rapidly. At that time, also known as MOS gate drive MGD (MOS Gate Driver) or control integrated circuit CIC (Control IC). With the expansion of the scope of application: such as motor drives, lighting, various power supply and so on, CIC of the cultivars have been rapidly increasing. These CIC in the development process
And gradually from a simple function to trigger the special needs of a wide range of applications development. PIC is the earliest that can be used in high voltage IC, therefore, also known as high-voltage IC (HVIC). However, many applications such as communications, computers, portable power supply and so on, they do not require high voltage, but demand for the special needs of the development of application specific integrated circuit. Because of their combination and application of power semiconductor devices, we have the power to include them in a class of semiconductor devices. So now the power semiconductor devices in the family, there are many integrated circuits. Many of these power devices with integrated circuits inside, some outside while the separation of power devices. Judging from this point, the limits of power and microelectronics has become increasingly blurred. If a large number of computer applications in power modulation device voltage LDO (Low Drop Out) is one example. It does not belong to switch applications.
As a result of a large number of integrated circuits into the power semiconductor devices, which consider the power semiconductor integrated circuits and devices to do the same in the chip or device on the development of the natural line of thought. Done in the same chip, the original is the concept of power integrated circuits, but their power often relatively small. Done in the same package, easy to increase power capacity, a number of passive components is also possible to join, here often called multi-chip module (MCM).
IR last year iPOWIR developed is a typical multi-chip module. It will power devices to control the use of integrated circuits, or in combination with pulse-width modulation (PWM) integrated circuit, according to the needs of power supply design, using BGA packaging technology portfolio in the same device (as shown in Figure 7) . Multi-chip device that greatly simplifies the power supply design staff. Components reduces the number and percentage of the area, there has been a lot of performance improvement. iPOWIR development is considered DC-DC conversion of the future. But, in fact, a wide range of applications in other fields, as long as the requirements of further integration, MCM structure and will there will be more and more. Therefore, it is the power semiconductor devices important direction of development.
In the above presentation, the development of MOSFET has been referred to as 4C industry provides an important foundation. 4C industries which, at present it is the most active direction of the product. We can understand: in the communications, computer, consumer electronics and automotive development, will require many, many close contacts and IC of all types of power semiconductor devices. Each of these aspects can be used to introduce a lot of space. Not detailed here.
Add: Conclusion
To sum up, the power semiconductor devices the past few years, constantly changed a lot. So can no longer look at a fixed vision of the development of power semiconductor devices. For example, not simply thyristor power semiconductor devices and an equal sign painting, or drawing an equal sign and discrete devices. Must not power semiconductor devices and microelectronics artificially separated, it seems only semiconductor microelectronics. These will impede the development of power semiconductor devices, in the long run will hinder the development of microelectronic devices. Development strategy in order to avoid the power semiconductor devices as a simple process only to be completed on the low-tech products. And the preferential policies available only to integrated circuit industry. China has not been very good to the development of modern power semiconductor devices, the lack of modern power semiconductor devices is a comprehensive understanding of the factors I am afraid. Information technology to stimulate industrialization in the wave, it is imperative that different semiconductor devices have a balanced development.
To sum up, the power semiconductor devices the past few years, constantly changed a lot. So can no longer look at a fixed vision of the development of power semiconductor devices. For example, not simply thyristor power semiconductor devices and an equal sign painting, or drawing an equal sign and discrete devices. Must not power semiconductor devices and microelectronics artificially separated, it seems only semiconductor microelectronics. These will impede the development of power semiconductor devices, in the long run will hinder the development of microelectronic devices. Development strategy in order to avoid the power semiconductor devices as a simple process only to be completed on the low-tech products. And the preferential policies available only to integrated circuit industry. China has not been very good to the development of modern power semiconductor devices, the lack of modern power semiconductor devices is a comprehensive understanding of the factors I am afraid. Information technology to stimulate industrialization in the wave, it is imperative that different semiconductor devices have a balanced development.



  大家对CPU都不陌生,陌生的是CPU的功耗是什么,答案是TDP,下面,我为您介绍TDP功耗。   CPU的功耗是什么:   TDP的英文全称是“Thermal Design Power”,中文翻译为“热设计功耗”,是反应一颗处理器热量释放的指标,它的含义是当处理器达到负荷最大的时候,释放出的热量,单位为瓦(W)。   CPU的TDP功耗并不是CPU的真正功耗。功耗(功率)是CPU的重要物理参数,根据电路的基本原理,功率(P)=电流(A)×电压(V)。所以,CPU的功耗(功率)等于流经处理器核心的电流值与该处理器上的核心电压值的乘积。而TDP是指CPU电流热效应以及其他形式产生的热能,他们均以热的形式释放。显然CPU的TDP小于CPU功耗。换句话说,CPU的功耗很大程度上是对主板提出的要求,要求主板能够提供相应的电压和电流;而TDP是对散热系统提出要求,要求散热系统能够把CPU发出的热量散掉,也就是说TDP功耗是要求CPU的散热系统必须能够驱散的最大总热量。   现在CPU厂商越来越重视CPU的功耗,因此人们希望TDP功耗越小越好,越小说明CPU发热量小,散热也越容易,对于 笔记本 来说,电池的使用时间也越长。Intel和AMD对TDP功耗的含义并不完全相同。AMD的的CPU集成了内存控制器,相当于把北桥的部分发热量移到CPU上了,因此两个公司的TDP值不是在同一个基础上,不能单纯从数字上比较。另外,TDP值也不能完全反映CPU的实际发热量,因为现在的CPU都有节能技术,实际发热量显然还要受节能技术的影响,节能技术越有效,实际发热量越小。   TDP功耗可以大致反映出CPU的发热情况,实际上,制约CPU发展的一个重要问题就是散热问题。温度可以说是CPU的杀手,显然发热量低的CPU设计有望达到更高的工作频率,并且在整套计算机系统的设计、电池使用时间乃至环保方面都是大有裨益。目前的 台式机 CPU,TDP功耗超过100W基本是不可取的,比较理想的数值是低于50W。



CPU的热设计功耗不等于CPU的热设计功耗。TDP功耗是处理器的基本物理指标。这意味着当处理器达到最大负载时释放的热量,单位:W:单个处理器的TDP值是固定的,并且散热器必须确保处理器的温度在处理器TDP最大时仍在设计范围内。 处理器功耗=实际功耗+TDP。从这个方程可以得出TDP不是处理器的功耗,TDP小于处理器的功耗的结论。 扩展资料: CPU的TDP功耗不是CPU的实际功耗。功耗是CPU的一个重要物理参数。根据电路的基本原理,功率=电流×电压。因此,CPU的功耗等于流过处理器核心的电流值和处理器上的核心电压值的乘积。 TDP是指CPU电流和其它形式热能的热效应,它们以热的形式释放出来。显然,CPU的TDP小于CPU的功耗。 也就是说,CPU的功耗很大程度上是主板的要求,主板需要提供相应的电压和电流;TDP是冷却系统的要求,要求冷却系统能够散热,也就是说,TDP功耗是CPU散热系统必须能够消散的最大总热量。 权力的含义: 物理意义:表示物体工作速度的物理量。 物理定义:单位时间内完成的工作称为功率。功率是一个物理量,它指示物体工作的速度 参考资料: 百度百科-功率 百度百科-功耗